Genesis 1:24-25, 24 And God said (bara=something from nothing), “Let the earth bring forth living creatures according to their kinds—livestock and creeping things and beasts of the earth according to their kinds.” And it was so. 25 And God made the beasts of the earth according to their kinds and the livestock according to their kinds, and everything that creeps on the ground according to its kind. And God saw that it was good.
Five times in two verses, God uses the words, “according to their kind,” and 10X total in the Creation account of Genesis chapter one. That’s a lot of driving a point home, and I would imagine that God wants us to fully understand the origins of life, and how He created all life forms.
Min is the Hebrew word for kind, and literally means: species. And how exactly is species defined?
Species definition: A species is often defined as the largest group of organisms in which any two individuals of the appropriate sexes or mating types can produce fertile offspring, typically by sexual reproduction.
So, we could rightly say of each of the 10X in Genesis chapter one, “according to their species.” Which pointedly shows us that God did not in any way use a macro-evolutionary process during creation. But, on the origins of life, Charles Darwin purposed the exact opposite of what God clearly says, in his book, “Origin of Species.” The problem with his theory (and that’s all that it was) is there’s NO proof. Different species aren’t able to reproduce with another species, just as God designed it. We never see star-horses (half seahorse, half starfish), we don’t see dogs reproducing with cats that are called cogs, or fish turning into birds. But, that’s exactly what evolution tries to get you to believe. Now then, this branch of science is called historical science, and historical science is impossible to prove as fact, because it can’t be brought into the lab to be studied and tested in order to become fact. You can’t study something that doesn’t exist, any more than you can study a civilization that has gone extinct, without archeological proof, or ancient documents. We simply have no idea what really happened, because we were not there, and therefore, are not eyewitnesses. The point is, anyone can form an idea of how a civilization lived, or dig up dinosaur bones and say anything they want, but, just as in a court room, eyewitness evidence is the greatest proof. Ancient documents (such as the Bible) are a great help to us, because they are written by eyewitnesses. But, evolution has no eye witness accounts, so can NEVER be proven as fact. The creation account in Genesis bares far more evidence because there was an eyewitness, named God (Father, Son, & Holy Spirit). And they tell us plainly how life, our world and the universe came into being. God simply spoke, and it was so. May we never forget this simple truth.
By: Daniel C. Rodgers