Luke 8:16-18, 16“No one after lighting a lamp covers it with a jar or puts it under a bed, but puts it on a stand, so that those who enter may see the light. 17 For nothing is hidden that will not be made manifest, nor is anything secret that will not be known and come to light. 18 Take care then how you hear, for to the one who has, more will be given, and from the one who has not, even what he thinks that he has will be taken away.”
This short portion of scripture is often overlooked, as well as misinterpreted at times, so allow me to help you understand it. In the context of chapter eight, Jesus is speaking of the gospel, the full, untainted gospel.
Beginning in verse sixteen, Jesus is speaking to His small group of disciples, and by way of analogy, He gives them a command. Remember first, that during Jesus’ sermon on the mount in Matthew 5:14, Jesus speaks to His true disciples and tell them that, “They are the light of the world.” This is quite amazing, because throughout the gospels, Jesus Himself is known as the Light of the world. So, Jesus gives His true disciples a title that He Himself has. But, it comes with conditions. If His disciples are true disciples, they will not keep the gospel truths to themselves, but will share the good news with all people in their lives. Also, within this verse we are to understand that a lamp isn’t truly a lamp if it is not on display or can clearly be seen. A lamp is not truly a lamp without fuel (The biblical gospel). And a lamp is of no use without a wick that has been set ablaze. Which is to say, “Without full gospel truth being taught through and lived out, without a person being radically changed by the transforming work of Christ and His gospel, that person is of no true value to Christ and His Kingdom ministry.”
Verse seventeen is often misinterpreted as, all peoples hidden sins will be exposed. Though the Bible clearly teaches this in other places, that isn’t what is being said here. What is being commanded by Jesus is that NO biblical doctrine is to be untaught, minimized, or pushed to the side. That the full (not parts) of the doctrine of biblical salvation is to be preached, taught, and lived out. Which means, that there can be no good news (the gospel), without the bad news being addressed. So, a preacher of truth will continually challenge his hearers to acknowledge their sins, sincerely repent and turn from their sins, and run to Jesus Christ as their only hope of forgiveness and salvation.
This seems to be a huge problem in our Evangelical churches today. They just don’t want to offend anyone. So, they only preach the love of Jesus, without teaching that this same Jesus who lovingly laid down His life for His people, is also a hater of sin, that He will judge sin and rebellion by sending unrepentant sinners to hell. It would be wise for believers on all levels to remember that the gospel that Jesus taught, got Him beaten and killed. So, in short, He is commanding that true believers teach ALL that He taught, man-up and answer the call that He has called His people to.
Lastly, in verse eighteen, Jesus begins by saying, “Take care then how you hear,” note that it says, how you hear, not how they hear. Which means two things, 1) Jesus is saying, “Be diligent to study and interpret the Scriptures correctly.” And 2) Pay close attention to what comes out of your mouth as you share Christ’s gospel. Which is to say, if the gospel that is taught is only half the gospel, if it is man-centered and appeals only to the hearer’s emotions and feelings, while never reaching into the heart where the inner person can be changed from the inside out, by the regenerating work of the Holy Spirit, then it is no gospel at all, because the hearer is still in their sins. For the gospel is to be centered on Jesus Christ alone, not how it could make someone feel good about their sinful selves. After all, if someone is told that, “Jesus loved them enough to die for them,” and that produces within them a sense of prideful value and worth, then that’s not the result that true saving faith would produce. But, rather, a remorseful sinner would be overwhelmed by the fact that a Holy God would be willing to die for a horrible sinner, in order to save them.
In the end, verse eighteen declares that if a false gospel, easy-believism or the seeker sensitive gospel is what is being proclaim, God will not honor it, because sinners remain in the same condition they were in when they walked in the door. The ministry may seem to be bursting at the seems and that its leaders are doing the work of God, however, God will in His perfect time take it all away because it was NOT of Him.
Matthew 4:4 But he (Jesus) answered, “It is written, “‘Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God.’”