New Creation Fellowship is a global fellowship (Not a local church) that exists to encourage and equip true believers throughout the world. We hold the inerrant Word of God in the highest esteem and delight in challenging believers to know, love, and take heed to God’s Word. Knowing that the Bible is the primary way that God speaks to His people today. In a day when the church at large is centered on emotions and self, we center all things on Christ Jesus the Lord. As the Apostle Paul said, “We preach Christ and Him crucified.”

Daniel Rodgers is an Author/Bible Teacher with over 20 years of ministry experience. He has been a Worship Pastor, Youth Pastor, and Adult Sunday School Teacher. He has completed schooling in Biblical Studies, Theological Studies, Church Leadership, Biblical Greek, Essentials of Worship, and World Religions. He is now ready to answer the churches’ questions in a time when God and His Word is hated and heavily rejected.